Local Councils

Use powerful insights to transform how citizens interact with local services, in the way that they want.

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Drive a greater economical and societal impact.

Local councils are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics to gain faster access to deeper insights, while minimising costs and laborious administrative tasks. Powerful insight-led technology empowers authorities to improve the quality of local services, increase citizen engagement and make better-informed decisions, while reducing fraud and increasing revenues.

Our AI Analytics and Data capabilities:

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Helping troubled families

In the UK, treating troubled families costs around £8 billion a year, with the added complexity of uncoordinated local services. Insight driven technology empowers councils to easily identify issues and the level of intervention required, to:

  • reduce emergency call outs, arrests and temporary accommodation
  • reduce the high costs in reactive social and health care
  • link citizen information across data sets
  • predict which types of interventions will be effective
  • manage multi-agency interventions over several years
  • monitor the effect of interventions over time and identify level of effectiveness

Supporting vulnerable people and adults with complex needs

Using integrated approaches to data means citizen information can be recorded across local health and social care providers, creating a single user record across services. The ability to easily access and leverage this data means individuals can avoid painful past experiences, via multiple assessments, and the possibility of conflicting advice from different services.

Predictive analytics uses this data to re-calculate and predict future behaviours and patterns, enabling authorities to tailor their approach to individual citizens, and encourage higher levels of engagement, while reducing the associated high costs.

Council tax – increase collections, reduce fraud, encourage compliance.

Insight driven technology empowers local authorities to determine who pays on time, what level of intervention they respond to, and how best to encourage compliance. The data is used to re-calculate behaviour models and risk profiles, predict future behaviours and patterns, and enable councils to tailor their approach to individual citizens.

On top of the administrative efficiency gains, employees can save time and put their skills to higher value business outcomes. Automation through machine learning algorithms allows authorities to focus on the right problems and better use internal resources.

How we can help

  • Self-service Business Intelligence and analytics to facilitate channel shift capabilities
  • Advanced analytics using data science, ML and AI techniques for risk profiles
  • Design proactive intervention strategies to reduce high-cost services
  • Improve council tax collection solutions and reduce fraud
  • Develop 360-degree view of citizens to engage users and enhance experiences
  • Advanced analytics to gain insight into the relationship between family members, educational institutions, and other societal factors

Our approach

Our approach at Invenio is to create an actionable insight driven transformation approach, enabling organisations to manage datasets ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Our methodology automates the entire data analysis workflow, providing a more efficient and comprehensive insights. Our experts can help you address unique business challenges, while adding real business value, using our unique Invenio approach:

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