Media Analytics

Unlocking exceptional experiences with analytics.

Hero images media entertainment

With rising consumer expectations, media companies are challenged to provide fast-to-market, uniquely tailored experiences for each customer. Serving a “segment of one”, with content curated based on their past actions and preferences through intuitive UX and even sentiment, is the new battlefield of the modern-day media company. To truly gain advantage in today’s media world a multi-prong approach that fuses Innovation, Business Value Driven Insights and AI/ML capabilities is essential.

Our AI Analytics and Data capabilities:

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Insight Driven Digital Transformation

As consumer behaviours continue to evolve, companies with the deepest user insight will have a significant advantage. By using AI and ML capabilities to identify trends, user preferences, behaviours and demographic profiles, media companies can engage with and improve the user experience. They can drill into the functional, emotional, and social behaviours which help convert users into fans.

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Predictive analytics from a 360 customer view:

When a customer reaches out to you, no matter which channel they use, it is essential that your customer service team understand who they are, the type of relationship they have with the company and past transaction with the company. It's only through understanding past buying behaviours and interactions, that analytics can be employed to start to predicting future wants and needs.

Learn how invenioLSI helped The Globe and Mail to develop a 360 view of consumers to enable them to engage digitally and increase user experience.

Our Media analytic and data solutions constantly evolve to keep ahead of the changing media landscape and give our clients the advantage. We've helped our clients in many areas including:

Media Finance Analytics

Balance Subscription Revenue Vs Ad Sales Revenue

Emotions / Viewer Analytics

AI Powered Content Lifecycle Automation

Driving Digital Growth

Ad Sales Analytics

Our approach

Our approach at invenioLSI is to create an actionable insight driven transformation approach, enabling organisations to manage datasets ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Our methodology automates the entire data analysis workflow, providing a more efficient and comprehensive insights. Our experts can help you address unique business challenges, while adding real business value, using our unique Invenio approach:

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Some of our media clients:

Media & Entertainment
"Invenio is a proven specialist in the media industry and they demonstrated this with multiple workshops and client site visits." Orlando Lyomu, Finance Director, The Standard Group
Media & Entertainment
"Invenio are a reliable partner with an outstanding level of common sense and dedication."
"We find them to be an honest and sincere organisation who delivers on their promises." Colin James, Group IT Director, Penguin Random House

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