Tax Revenue Management (TRM) and Debt Analytics

Transforming the way tax authorities operate.

Hero images robotic process automation

Actionable insights, driven by digital solutions.

Tax authorities around the world are going through a period of digital transformation. Whether it’s to implement taxpayer risk profiling, increase citizen engagement, reduce the cost of debt collection or prevent fraud, data is at the centre of all of these challenges. When governments have access to the right information, they can implement successful tax strategies. When they have actionable insights driven digital solutions, they have the power to personalise those strategies, improve voluntary compliance and make informed decisions about their future.

Our AI Analytics and Data capabilities:

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Improve Voluntary Tax Compliance

Insight driven technology empowers tax authorities to determine who pays on time, to what level of intervention they respond to, as well as how well existing services and systems in place operate. The data is used to re-calculate behaviour models and risk profiles, predict future behaviours and patterns, enabling tax authorities to tailor their approach to individual taxpayers, encouraging voluntary compliance at earlier stages of the tax lifecycle.

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How Affirmative Scoring reduces fraud and risk in tax compliance:

More public sector organisations are using analytics to gain deeper insights and provide better customer service, with the aim of reducing costs while minimising risks and customer complaints. But to drive a step change in handling issues with public sector services, the current approach needs to be turned on its head. Instead of public sector analytics being focused on high-risk customers, the emphasis should be on identifying the other set. With Affirmative Scoring, you can do just that. Discover more.

Our approach

Our approach at Invenio is to create an actionable insight driven transformation approach, enabling organisations to manage datasets ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Our methodology automates the entire data analysis workflow, providing a more efficient and comprehensive insights. Our experts can help you address unique business challenges, while adding real business value, using our unique Invenio approach:

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invenioLSI has over 15 years of experience serving high-profile public sector authorities, including tax authorities around the globe, to build and refine their business process, build new tax and revenue collection services and optimise solutions to give both taxpayers and government employees an intuitive, efficient tax portal. Here are some of the other ways we help governments with their analytics needs:

Core TRM Analytic Dashboards

Reducing the cost of tax collection

Intervention Strategies for debt collection

Develop 360 view of citizens to engage digitally and improve user experience

Fraud and Risk in handling benefits

Demonstrating the value of innovation through AI/DS/ML and data

The invenioLSI Innovation Lab

Our Innovation lab is designed to de-risk deployments and create a fast-track route to provide proof-of-value to global businesses.

We work collaboratively with our clients through a Design Thinking process and co-create solutions specifically for each company. We accelerate the creation processes and think creatively based on our industry and IT knowledge.

It provides the foundation for our think big, start small, scale fast approach. Book a consultancy session to find out more.

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