How can analytics help government agencies on their digital journey and improve citizens’ lives?

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Public sector entities in North America are going through a period of digital transformation. Now more than ever, collecting and analyzing data is becoming the cornerstone of decision-making for government agencies. They are facing different challenges, some of which include, increasing citizen engagement while reducing cost of delivering public sector services, preventing and strengthening risk & fraud management (improper benefit payments) and managing natural emergency situations like wildfires, floods and hurricanes.

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn:

    • How can analytics and data help public sector entities to improve their disaster management planning
    • How can governments ensure, the payments they make reach the eligible recipients without imposing undue burden on legitimate claimants
    • How can governments better understand their tax base and improve efficiency

    Watch our webinar now, or if you’ve got any questions, get in touch with us here.

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